Lucas Goyeche

me in teamlab planets, Tokyo

Thank you for visiting my website! I'm a software dev based in Maldonado, Uruguay.

I have experience in full-stack web development, software architecture and DevOps. Having worked as a NetSuite developer, I'm very familiar with refactoring and modernizing old codebases, as well as integrating with other systems.

Currently working as a DevOps Architect at Broken Rubik, where I'm responsible for the infrastructure, deployment, and internal tools, among full-stack development.

In fact, you can check out a project I was deeply involved in, here.

I'm also open to contract work, so if you have a project in mind, feel free to contact me.

Kyoto Aquarium Apart from coding, I enjoy photography and videogames.

Traveling is also a passion of mine, here's a picture I took in the Kyoto Aquarium 🎏